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Over 25 millioner mennesker bor i dette skønne land, hvor fattigdommen desværre råder, og omkring halvdelen af befolkningen må klare sig for under to dollar om dagen. Men det demokratiske lys skinner for enden af den tunnel af ulighed, undertrykkelse og afmagt, som store dele af befolkningen har været underlagt gennem århundreder! ...læs mere! ...bli' klogere ...det skader ikk'!  

Nepal: 25. april 2006 ... en opsummering!


Artikler og kommentarer fra 25. april 2006
- i tilfældig rækkefølge -

Der kommer rigtig mange artikler og kommentarer til situationen i Nepal i øjeblikket, og jeg er godt klar over at der formentlig er en del artikler og links, der ikke er "kommet med".
  Enkelte af nedennævnte artikler er måske forkert placeret. Enkelte links er måske endog misvisende eller "døde", og i nogle tilfælde har der sneget sig forkerte artikler ind under søgningerne.
  Artiklerne er tilvejebragt gennem anvendelse af såvel Google og Yahoo samt andre eksperter kombineret med generel viden om området.
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Hændelsesforløb og kommentarer
- baseret på tilgængelige informationer

DEMOKRATIET GENETABLERET I NEPAL !!! Læs indtil videre analysen fra United We BLOG, som jeg her har gengivet, da den ikke er til at læse på deres egen hjemmeside lige i øjeblikket.

Jeg følger op, og der kommer efter nogle timer (når jeg atter sidder her) flere kommentarer ind her!!

UnitedWeBlog Analysis

King’s yesterday’s address leaves a caveat or two. The ball is in SPA’s court (SPA = Den demokratiske 7-parti-alliance), for the king has said: “Convinced that the source of State Authority and Sovereignty of the Kingdom of Nepal is inherent in the people of Nepal and cognizant of the spirit of the ongoing people’s movement as well as to resolve the on-going violent conflict and other problems facing the country according to the road map of the agitating Seven Party Alliance, we, through this Proclamation, reinstate the House of Representatives which was dissolved on 22 May 2002 on the advice of the then Prime Minister in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal-1990.” The king has referred to SPA’s roadmap which is an indirect way of addressing the issue of Constituent Assembly (CA = en forfatningsgivende/udarbejdende forsamling)).

He has further said: “We call upon the Seven Party Alliance to bear the responsibility of taking the nation on the path to national unity and prosperity, while ensuring permanent peace and safeguarding multiparty democracy.” This statement has handed over the responsibilities to SPA in particular and people in general.

Finally, king has addressed SPA’s road map that talks about reinstatement of lower house, formation of all party government and eventually conduct CA poll. This will be on the basis of dialogue and agreement with Maoist. Only such election will end the conflict, establish loktantra and restore people’s sovereignty and state power.

Coming Friday, a historic meeting of lower house will take place in Galley Baithak, that will give mandate to SPA to form a government that will lead nation to transformation. The government will be headed either by GP Koirala or by Madhav Kumar Nepal. This government will start dialogue with Maoists. At the same time, it will also proceed the process for the CA poll. In the meantime, Maoists’ as well as RNA’s arms will be managed by international community. The question of Maoist’s army resolution will be discussed with the mediation of International community. This is crucial for the verdict of CA to be implemented.

SPA’s government will decide on the process of CA poll. Here are few possible options: representatives of different parties and/or agendas will fight for the place in CA. The exact format is not clear. But, the members of CA will draft a new constitution that will decide on fate of monarchy.

...fyldes op jævnligt

...kommentarer er velkomne

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Opdateret d. 25.4.2006