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WTO topmøde i Hong Kong - Afrikas bomuldsproducenter kræver fri konkurrence!US offers to eliminate duties on Cotton, Africa says it's not enoughWikinews, 16. december 2005 USA har tilbudt de fattige bomuldsproducerende lande i Afrika at fjerne afgifter og kvoter på bomuld fra Afrika. De afrikanske producenter fastholder, at USA skal fjerne de omfattende subsidier, som USA anvender til at støtte landets egen bomuldsproduktion. Disse subsider gør det umuligt for de Afrikanske bomuldsproducenter at konkurrere, også selvom de afrikanske lande producerer bomuld af en langt højere kvalitet og til en langt lavere pris end det er tilfældet i USA og i størstedelen af resten af verden. Mali, Burkino Faso, Benin, Chad, and Senegal complain that the tariff free offer does not address the subsidies United States provides to domestic cotton growers. Some countries claim the subsidies against the WTO's anti-dumping policy. "The real problem for African cotton producers is dumping on the world market, resulting from domestic and export subsidies. That is why we need to agree this week on additional disciplines on domestic support" EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said. "They don't take in any cotton. They export cotton. Their textile industries have all moved abroad. Why would they import any of our cotton? What they need to do is halt the subsidies. Without subsidies they can't produce" Francois Traore, president of the African Cotton Producers Association, said. Portman argued cutting global tariffs are as least as important as cutting subsidies. India has a 10% tariff on cotton imports, under current WTO rules it could raise the tariff to 100% at any time. China imposes a 1% tariff on the first 4 million bales, after which a tariff of 5% to 40% is applied. By comparison the US allows a small amount of cotton at low duties and then applies a 20% on the remainder. A bill in the US Congress this week contains a cotton program known as Step 2, which pays exporters and millers to buy US cotton. The WTO has declared the program illegal. "We know with certainty that it's the US subsidies that are causing problems for our farmers." Mamadou Salissou Habi Niger's minister of trade said. African cotton producers have said that they will not endorse any deals that emerge from the Hong Kong talks if rich countries do not reduce cotton subsidies to their own farmers.