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Sundhed - HIV-AIDSThe return of the Aids plagueTom Burgis, 17. august 2005 A global regime where private corporations can enforce intellectual property rights to the detriment of public health is bad news for the millions most vulnerable to HIV/Aids, reports Tom Burgis. If you’re going to contract HIV, make sure you do so in a well-heeled
corner of Europe or north America. You will have the benefit of drugs that may
well delay the onset of Aids and ease many of the worst symptoms of the disease.
Compared with two decades ago, you will be relatively free from stigma: politicians
and basketball
stars can reach the pinnacle of their careers despite being HIV-positive.
With a bit of luck, you will find a treatment programme that will afford you a
full life. But if your postcode falls in the poorer regions of Africa, Asia or Latin
America, just don’t, whatever you do, have unprotected sex with your husband
or a stranger, undergo vital surgery or a blood transfusion, shoot up, or give
birth with any expectation that your child will survive. HIV is likely to be a
death sentence: your chances of receiving treatment are roughly the same as the
chances of picking an ace at random from a deck of cards. In June
2005, the World Health Organisation and the Joint United Nations Programme
on HIV/Aids (Unaids)
estimated that of the 6.5 million people in developing countries in need of
antiretroviral (ARV)
drug treatment for Aids, only 15% were receiving them. The bulk of the untreated
were in sub-Saharan Africa, home to 10% of the world’s population and 60% of
all people living with HIV. Now, the intolerant strands of the Christian right might be correct: perhaps
poor people simply do not have the moral
fibre to stop themselves wantonly getting Aids. In any case, as we know from
rock-solid sources, even if you can get hold of a condom and are prepared to
risk damnation to use it, they have holes
in them. But outside that thorniest of moral mazes,
once you have contracted HIV, most people agree that you should be treated.
Generally, that involves ARVs, which work by slowing the rate at which the virus
reproduces. The treatment relies on adherence and readily available supplies:
patients must take 95% of their medication for it to be effective. It does not
send the virus into remission: ARVs are for life, not just for Christmas. And that life can be transformed. ARVs allow people who would otherwise be
largely incapacitated by chronic legions and chronic diarrhoea to go to school,
to work, to provide for families. Without ARVs, one in every two HIV-positive
children in developing countries dies before his or her fifth birthday. The
snag, if you are one of the 40 million people living with Aids, is that ARVs are
not cheap. Brazil’s example “The problem continues to be that economic interests take precedent over
public health,” says Felipe Garcia de la Vega, a paediatrician and Aids expert
with the Access to Essential Medicines campaign
at Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). MSF treats 40,000 Aids patients in twenty-nine countries. Its programmes rely
on generic ARVs – versions of patented drugs produced without regard for
profit. Generics also allow governmental Aids outreach projects in the United
States to function. They often cost a fraction of the prices charged by
pharmaceutical corporations. In 1996, the Brazilian government pledged to provide universal access to free
Aids treatment. The system has become the benchmark in national Aids projects,
and with good reason. Deaths from the disease have halved; the rate of infection
is half that projected by the World Bank in 1998. But as the goal of universal
access comes closer and the costs of the programme soar, Brazil has become the theatre
in which progressive reformers have locked swords with Big Drugs. The Brazilian state-owned drugs company, Farma Manguinhos, produces
only 20% of the ARVs required to treat the country’s 600,000 HIV patients.
Brazil spends a further $107 million each year buying a drug called Kaletra from
pharmaceutical giant Abbott
Laboratories. This it is obliged to do because, as a member of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO), Brazil must bow before intellectual property law.
Pharmaceutical companies can patent a drug, which allows them to control its
release for a limited period of time. Emboldened, perhaps, by the recent victories in Argentina and Bolivia against
Debt and Big
Water respectively, Brasilia has squared up to Abbott, toughening a stance
it first assumed in 2001. It threatened to break the Kaletra
patent and produce a generic version – which it is entitled to do under WTO rules
only in the event of a “national emergency” – if Abbott did not cut its
prices. In the United States, the dragoons of patent law went berserk.
Brazil’s effrontery, commentators protested, was akin to that of such
scapegraces as Iran, Cuba and Venezuela (see Mary
Anastasia O’Grady, “Brazil Mulls Drug Patent Theft as an AIDS Antidote”,
Wall Street Journal, 24 June 2005). In July, Brazil’s new health minister José
Saraiva Felipe scotched rumours of a deal. The most probable outcome,
following a summit with Brazil’s embattled
president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on 10 August, is that Brazil’s threat
will remain just that and that Abbott will freeze the price of Kaletra sold to
Brazil for the next six years. That will save Brazil $259 million, which,
compared to net sales of $19.6 billion in 2004, is no skin off Abbott’s nose.
But, somewhat unusually for pharmaceutical corporations, Abbott has started
talking about principles. “Intellectual property should be respected”, says Michelle Johnson at
Abbott’s Illinois headquarters. Doing so, she reasons, is the only way to
ensure corporations recoup their research and development costs, enabling them
to continue to develop new drugs. Patents, she says, are “in the best
interests of patients.” Abbott’s official statement puts it thus: “Brazil has the ninth largest economy in the world, and it is reasonable to expect a country this large and prosperous to carry its fair share of the burden for scientific advancement and investment. Beating HIV requires cooperation and coordination among governments, health care providers, non-governmental organisations, companies, and the people of every nation.” Patenting the future The problem with that argument, says Vandana
Shiva of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural
Resource Policy in Delhi, is that it’s rubbish. “The corporations simply use information that’s already in the public
domain or lift from academic papers,” says Shiva, who has spent fifteen years
in American and European courts trying to prise corporate fingers from medical
patents. She cites the case of the gene that controls the way in which HIV
infects cells. It was identified by Robert
Gallo’s research team in 1995, but Maryland-based Human Genome Sciences
was awarded the patent.
Pioneering academics do the work, companies make the dough. “We have to break
the myth that patent-holders are the inventors”, says Shiva. “In reality,
it’s piracy.” Moves to limit the production of generic ARVs in Shiva’s native India,
sparked worldwide
protests. The producer of 70% of the planet’s generic ARVs, India, joined the
WTO in 1995. The WTO’s agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights grants effective monopolies to multinational pharmaceutical
companies and has the effect of stifling competition in generics – the factor
that has kept prices low. In the first five years of this century, generic
production brought the price of ARV treatment down from $10,000 per year per
patient in 2000 to as little as $150 today. The future is not bright. As viruses are wont to do, Aids mutates. In Europe,
where treatment programmes were rolled out early in the epidemic, patients who
became resistant to ARVs have been moved on to “second-line” treatments,
such as Kaletra. Necessarily, second-line ARVs are new drugs, and thus much more
expensive. With a view to this impending budgeting crunch, a united front of Latin
American health ministers at a meeting in Buenos Aires on 5 August secured
a two-thirds reduction in the prices they pay for corporate Aids drugs. But that
will not weaken the hegemony of the patent. If Aids programmes in poor countries
are denied cheap generic second-line treatments, epidemiologists warn, they will
collapse. Aids will be a plague once more. That makes a nonsense of the UN
Millennium Development Goal
to “provide access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries” by
2015. Vandana Shiva wonders what became of Indira Gandhi’s vision for the future
of medicine. In May 1981, India’s then prime minister gave
what now looks like a doomed prognosis. Her “idea of a better world” was
“one in which medical discoveries would be free from patent and there will be
no profiteering from life and death.”