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Irland - Dokumentarfilm:Rocky Road to DublinPeter Lennon, 12. juli 2005 In 1967 Peter Lennon argued in his celebrated documentary, "Rocky Road to Dublin", that Ireland needed liberating from the Irish. Thirty seven years later, Ireland is ready to hear the message. By 1967 my Irish Republican aspiration for freedom from the English had
transmogrified into a realisation that what my country really needed was freedom
from the Irish, who had by then ruled (three quarters of) the country for 45
years. A junior correspondent for the Guardian in Paris, I decided
to go back home and make a feature length documentary to reveal what had gone
wrong with our new republic. With the renowned French nouvelle vague cameraman, Raoul
Coutard, as a kind of Exocet
missile, we got child, priest and patriot to reveal themselves on camera (years
before Michael
Moore). The result was Rocky Road to Dublin. At this point, Ireland, along with the Soviet Union, had probably the most
repressive ideological apparatus of book and film censorship in the world.
Clerical remote controlled censorship filleted foreign influence mercilessly –
even dementedly. There was virtually no film or publishing industry. We listed, against a tolling bell, some of those authors who had had a
publication banned in Ireland: William
Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, JD Salinger, Jean-Paul Sartre,
John Steinbeck, HG Wells, Samuel Beckett, Brendan Behan, Patrick Kavanagh, Sean
0’Casey, John McGahern, George Bernard Shaw, and as a spice, Jomo Kenyatta. The Irish establishment took one, brief look at Rocky Road, and
suffocated it for 37 years. No Irish cinema would screen it and there was never
any question that RTE (Irish
public service television) would either. RTE was totally submissive to the
church (as were most Irish politicians). Indeed, at the point where only about
18 people had seen it at a private screening, RTE, on its Late
Late Show, dealt the hammer blow by warning the nation that this unseen film
was backed by “communist money.” In fact, it was entirely funded by an
American businessman friend of mine. One has to be wary of being “fair” to regimes whose apparatus for being
unfair permanently exceeds one’s own by 10,000 times. But in fairness – or
out of sympathy with my repressed countrymen – I have to say that Rocky
Road was a pretty indigestible item. Instead of the model of freedom and
decency the republic took itself to be, it is described in one scene by Irish
writer Sean
O’Faolain as: “A society without moral courage, constantly observing a self-interested silence, never speaking in moments of crisis and in constant alliance with an obscurantist, repressive, regressive and uncultivated church.” Reinforcing the claim that the church was “uncultivated”, the Archbishop
of Dublin, never realising that the camera could be used as a weapon, lent me an
idiotic singing and dancing priest who warbles the Chattanooga Shoe Shine
Boy to women in a tuberculosis hospital. Long after the same priest
delivered a homily to camera on the desirability of celibacy, we discovered he
was sleeping with his young house keeper, an orphan who had herself been a
victim of earlier sexual abuse. Venal as well as idiotic. Rocky Road’s revival Though there was little chance Rocky Road would be distributed in
Ireland, in 1968 I entered it for that year’s Cannes Film Festival, and it was
selected to represent the country that had rejected it – much to the
bewilderment of the Irish establishment. The May
student revolt closed down the festival after a few days, but Rocky Road,
with its theme of “what do you do with your revolution once you’ve got it?”
was adopted by the French students, brought to Paris and shown in the Sorbonne
amphitheatres, under siege by riot police. Even though Ireland had practically no film industry, it did have an
international film festival, to be held in Cork that October. There seemed no
way it could wriggle out of accepting an Irish film which had been selected for
Cannes and had picked up excellent reviews from Cahiers du Cinéma, Positif,
Paris MATCH, the New York Times, and the International Herald
Tribune. Well almost no way. It was rejected as an official entry on the farcical
grounds that it had already been screened in Dublin – to a grand total of 18
people. But Cork still had a problem and the film censor could not help them. I had
been careful not to have any sex in the film and the censor himself delivered
his verdict to me in an endearing phrase: “Since there is no sex in the film
Peter, there is nothing I can do against you”. After tight negotiations, Cork gave us a lunchtime slot, but on a day when
all the critics and journalists were invited to free oysters and Guinness in
Kenmare, 30 miles away. Virtually no one turned up. We hired a hotel conference
room the next day and screened it again. The scandal encouraged a cinema manager
to run it in Dublin for a few weeks, then it was buried again. Then, in 2004, with a Dublin production company, Loopline
Films, I got financial assistance from the Irish Film Board to restore Rocky
Road and to tell its story in a new documentary, The Making of Rocky
Road. The great Raoul Coutard came out of retirement to share his
experience of working on an “evolutionary” film, a category no film
dictionary records. This time we had no trouble getting it into the Cork
Film Festival. The successful suffocation of Rocky Road for nearly four decades is
an illustration of the fact that in a brainwashed community you don’t need
formal censorship laws to smother a film. With no experience of film being used
in this way, the press wrote as if it wasn’t a proper film at all. “Why
should any film manager be expected to show this insulting stuff in a proper
cinema?” they asked. It would be nice to be able to say that we eventually liberated ourselves
from clerical oppression. In fact it was the church itself which eroded its own
powerbase when it was revealed in the 1990s as an accomplice to decades of
sexual and bizarre physical abuse by priests, nuns and Christian brothers in
orphanages and industrial schools – and, indeed, ordinary local parishes. Even then, the thoroughness of the church’s crushing authority was
confirmed when it was able, even in such a small country, simply to transfer
paedophiles and rapists from one parish to another without legal consequences.
There was confirmation, too, of the depth of its psychological hold when no
other institutions would confront the church or entertain the notion of
“clerical crime”. The growth of television and its direct access to communities outside Ireland,
where respectable people were seen to assume that divorce, contraception and
abortion were normal civil rights, made the censorship of discussion of these
issues in international films increasingly absurd. The arrival of video
gradually ensured that controls were bypassed. Sean O’Faolain was given the task of reforming the procedures for book
censorship. The permitted reform was timid: instead of books being banned
forever they were only banned for 12 years. Still, he helped unleash on the
country a tide of classics which had already achieved a sell-by date. But when the church was finally forced to compensate its victims, the old
subservient alliance between the people and the church revealed its weasel roots
again. In 2002, using a shameless legalistic ploy, the church claimed that, as
controllers of the school system, the state shared the church’s culpability.
They negotiated a deal by which only a quarter of the financial penalties fell
to them. The other three-quarters would be met by “the state” – in other
words, the taxpayer. The government also slipped in another sweetener: religious orders were
granted indemnity from civil prosecution. Jaysus, what did you expect?
Videoklip: Watch the "warbling priest" sing Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy. high quality, 4.57MB low quality, 364KB (advisable if you are on dial-up) To view these clips, you will need realplayer. To download realplayer, click here Rocky Road and The Making of was launched at the Cambridge
International Film Festival, and then, following a screening at the ICA in
September, will go on general UK release. Ireland will come later. Since October
2004 Rocky Road has been at festivals in Belfast, Amiens, Chicago,
Memphis and Moscow and soon, the Korean International Film Festival.