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Edinburgh - NGO-koalition udfordrer G8-toppen:Insider-outsider: the NGO fracture zoneTom Burgis, 4. juli 2005 The alliance between the NGO coalition Make Poverty History and the spectacular global Live8 concerts may seem a formidable challenge to the G8, but Tom Burgis in Edinburgh hears radical NGO campaigners who think it is far too close to power. At the G8 summit in Gleneagles on 6-8 July, several of the world’s most
powerful leaders will meet to strum
guitars, crack jokes and shake their fabulous bodies. The ongoing Live8
roadshow will see the hegemons of rock ‘n’ roll sitting down to roast anjou squab
and chew over how best to carve up the planet’s resources. For many of the
hundreds of thousands of protesters and political
tourists pouring into Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh this week, the
masters of the universe are at once the barons of the rich world and the godfathers
of rock.
In much of the press and for the vast majority of the white-clad 225,000
who marched through Edinburgh on Saturday
2 July demanding debt relief, more and better aid and trade justice for
developing countries, the G8 has become a totem, a spectacularly distorted
fetish of revolutionary change. The efforts of Make Poverty History (MPH)
– the coalition fronted by Bob Geldof, Bono and Richard Curtis and
executives of 500 British NGOs and campaigning groups – have burnished the
G8’s image as a prospectively benign interlocutor and agent in the fight
against global poverty. No one questions the good faith of the pop stars at Live8
in Hyde Park, and in eight other locations around the world, on Saturday.
No one says Bob
Geldof is a shaggy Machiavelli. But, as leading intellectuals and
anti-poverty NGOs on the frontline have been saying for months, their good
intentions could have a devastating effect – for they are offering the G8, a
central part of the network of institutions sanctifying the gross inequalities
of global trade, the wristband
of legitimacy on a plate. A collusion with power? There is a rift in civil society’s approach to the G8 summit, one that has
gone largely
unreported. On one side are the establishment NGOs among the Make Poverty
History coalition, who – driven by a mixture of motives among which
post-colonial guilt features strongly – believe that the key to getting a
better deal for the world’s poor is to go to the G8 and ask it to be nice. On
the other side are those whose slogan is “Make
the G8 history” and who seek to expose rather than suppress the
contradictions in which the MPH effort is enmeshed. The MPH’s “inside-outside” tactics have brought it close to the British
government. The coalition’s mantra has always been “fair trade, not free
trade”. But the British finance minister Gordon Brown – who publicly
supported the Edinburgh protests, and whose International
Finance Facility and “Marshall
Plan” for Africa were warmly welcomed by the bulk of development NGOs –
revealed the relentless logic of this approach when he told
British businessmen in February 2005 that “to take advantage of the vast
opportunities global markets offer we must lead the way again in breaking down
international barriers to trade and commerce.” John Hilary, campaigns director at War
on Want, one of the minority of NGOs to have realised the risks involved in
snuggling up to government, is adamant that Make Poverty History is being
hijacked: “It’s disgraceful that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair are making out that they’ve signed up to the Make Poverty History agenda. We know from government officials that they are going ahead with their aggressive free-trade agenda, and that that’s going to condemn millions more to long-term poverty”. The British sherpas – the negotiators furiously trying to salvage Blair’s
goals for his presidency
of the G8 before the summit starts – are briefing that there will be nothing
in the communique on trade, unless it be a call for the World
Trade Organisation to complete an “ambitious” Doha
development round in December (an “ambition”
that entails peeling the last fig-leaves of protection from the global south’s
manufacturing and services markets). On trade, there is a consensus among campaigners: the subsidies with which North
America, Europe
and Japan prop up their export agribusinesses lead to the dumping of produce on
poor countries and the forcing of farmers in those countries out of business;
the exports of those few farmers still able to engage in international trade are
throttled by tariffs imposed by the west. Without wholesale reform of international trade rules, debt relief and more
aid are rendered utterly inutile – indeed, the conditions attached to both may
oblige benefactors to sell off public services and spend their handouts on
western products. The communique is unlikely to sanction the rapacity with which
transnational corporations plunder the south’s natural and human resources. As
Mark Curtis put it at
the G8
Alternatives counter-conference on Sunday: “To talk about development
without mentioning transnational corporations is like talking about malaria
without mentioning mosquitos.” It is impossible to dispute Make Poverty History’s altruistic aims. They
are impeccable. As a senior insider asked me yesterday: “Who wouldn’t want
to lift a billion people out of poverty?” But the history of power is the
history of assimilating dissidence. Rome assimilated Christianity; the United
States absorbed religious non-conformists; Diesel co-opted downtrodden workers.
And the G8 nations are perfectly capable of containing the Lennon
& McCartney of global poverty. The radical outside But just as the elite gathering at Gleneagles can swallow its moderate
opponents to maintain a semblance of representation, those locked outside
expose a great valley of systemic injustice. For people in the west to be aware
of just how super the global market is making their lives, there must be someone
worse off than you – not difficult, considering that, for instance, a woman in
Africa is 100 times more likely to die in childbirth than a woman in Britain.
“Globalisation is about ruthless competition”, explained Susan
George, vice-president of Attac
France and author of Another
World Is Possbile ... If. “It’s about the ins and the outs. If
you’re not useful to production, and you’re not useful to consumption,
globalisation has no place for you.” It is those people for whom the other strand of civil society massed in Edinburgh
is fighting. For the “outs”, eight white men in a golf club cannot be
allowed any further sway. Anarchists, radical economists, socialists, greens,
gays, peaceniks, clowns,
veteran campaigners and, vitally, the leaders of protest
organisations from the poor south themselves will march to Gleneagles on
Wednesday under the banner of the global social justice movement – for a
purpose at once indistinguishable from and diametrically opposed to that of
Make Poverty History. They demand that the shackles of poverty be broken. But they prefer to take
their own chisel rather than petition the jailers. They argue that the very
existence of the G8, regardless of whether it has learnt the words
to the 1984 Band Aid anthem, “Do They Know It’s Christmas”, is a blight
on the world’s poor. As the Swahili proverb cited yesterday by Inviolata
Mmbwavi, a Kenyan HIV/Aids victim, goes: “When bulls fight, it is the
grass that suffers.”