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Nepal: 100 soldater savnes!
...se pressemeddelelse fra maoisterne

Voldsomme kampe i Kalikot, Vest-Nepal
  - mange dræbt

Mogens Engelund, 9. august 2005

Maoisterne angreb i søndags (7. aug.) en militærlejr i Kalikot Distrikt i Vestnepal. Kamphandlingerne bølge frem og tilbage i 11 timer. Maoisterne hævder de vandt en bemærkelsesværdig sejr.

Efter et af maoistkonfliktens måske mest blodige slag savner regeringen formentlig fortsat livstegn fra omkring 100 soldater.

Maoisterne hævder i en pressemeddelse at have dræbt 159 soldater fra den nepalesiske hær og taget omkring 50 gidsler samt at have tilegnet sig en betydelig mængde våben efter kampene.

Kampene foregik i distriktet Kalikot, der ligger ca. 200 km vest for Pokhara, og lidt vest for maoisternes kerneområde.

Der var ialt 221 militære sikkerhedsstyrker posteret i lejren, der var etableret som beskyttelse for vej- og infrastruktur-arbejdere. Indtil videre er der ifølge unavngivne kilder kun kommet livstegn fra 81 soldater (tirsdag, kl. 9.30).

Talsmænd fra hæren har bekræftet, at der er fundet ca. 40 dræbte soldater. Der savnes således stadig 100.

Kampene startede i søndags og stod på gennem 11 timer, og de må utvivlsomt ses som en meget kraftig advarsel til Kong Gyanendra og hans støtter.

Kongens faste beslutning om at gennemføre en genopbygning af omfattende dele af den infrastrukturen, som maoisternes tidligere har ødelagt, er svær at gennemføre - selv med militærbistand.

Problemet for kongen er, at han har været tvunget til disse manøvrer for at vise omverdenen (ikke mindst bistands-donorerne), at han er i stand til at udøve en effektiv indsats mod maoisterne. Det var simpelthen en af betingelserne for en fortsat bistand.

Der er næppe tvivl om, at maoisterne føler sig styrket efter søndagens voldsomme begivenheder, hvorimod der indtil videre ikke er tegn på at kongen og de demokratiske bevægelser kan nå til enighed om at etablere en fælles demokratisk front, der kan tvinge eller fremme en forhandlingssituation.

Indtil videre har mere end 12.000 mennesker mistet livet under konflikten.
Pressemeddelelse fra Nepal Communist Party (maoist)

People's Liberation Army Captured Royal Nepalese Army's Base Camp
159 Royal Army Died, Heavy amount of Weapons and Ammunitions Seized

Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
People’s Liberation Army, Nepal
Western Division
Press Statement

Struggling against extra-ordinary complexities compliant with the law of revolution, the Nepalese People’s War, by entering into the strategic offensive, is advancing victoriously to a height of the first plan. The People’s Liberation Army illuminated by the light of MLM and Prachanda Path is attaining military superiority over the white army equipped with imperialist war-technology and training.

In this course, we proclaim with proud that Western Division of the People’s Liberation Army, by starting assault at 17:40 on August 7, 2005 upon the base camp of the white army at Pili in Kalikot, has attained a decent victory at 4:00 in the next morning. People’s Liberation Army has captured highly explosive materials and important war equipments including an 81 mm Barrel with 150 bombs; one GPMG barrel with 5,000 ammunitions; 20 Barrels of LMG with 12,000 ammunitions; 70 barrels of INSAS Rifle with 30,000 ammunitions; 80 barrels of SLR with 21,000 ammunitions; 2 barrels of SMG with 3,000 ammunitions; 2 barrels of Browning Pistol with 2,000 ammunitions; 2 barrels of 2” mortar with 200 bombs etc. Out of 250 of the so-called security personnels, 159 have been annihilated and more than 50 are captured as the prisoners of war.

On the side of the People’s Liberation Army, 26 fighters including Battalion Commissar comrade Lokesh (Sharad Avasthi) have been martyred and some are wounded. The hard effort of the PLA equipped with high morale, sense of sacrifice and the ideology of Prachanda path, and the role of the supreme commander Prachanda who guided and inspired by this ideology have had an important role to achieve this victory. The well wishes of anti-despotic political forces too had inspired for this triumph. This victory is also the victory against imperialism, feudalism and non-proletarian trends.

We offer heartily tribute to those heroic martyrs who sacrificed their invaluable lives for this important victory. Also, we express heartily condolence to the agonized family members and comrades fighting in arms with a wishing that, may it inspire to grasp the sacrificing culture of transforming epoch by the blood of history. We heartily wish for the fast improvement of health of the wounded comrades. We express heartily congratulations and thanks to the commissars, commanders of different levels, including Division deputy commander comrade Bibidh, who played an important role while preparing this plan of action and its implementation, and fighters, local party and masses from the base area.

Finally, let the revolutionaries grasp the fact that acquiring victory through losses is the law of war! The final victory is definite.

August 8, 2005
With revolutionary greetings!

Western Division
People’s Liberation Army, Nepal
CPN (Maoist)

Andre Links:
  BBC: Nepal hunts for missing soldiers
  BBC: Nepal attack 'kills 40 soldiers'
  Google: Latest News fra Nepal



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Opdateret d. 23.12.2005